


This policy statement addresses NextLabs’ requirements for proper backup management.




This policy outlines the requirements for the backup of data stored on Machines.  Laptop and desktop computers, as well as virtual machines (ie, virtual machines that are created by VMware or MSFT Virtual Server), which are connected to NextLabs’ network by any means, including via remote users or branch office users (remote access means remote locations outside the physical and logical control of NextLabs; refer also to the Remote Access Policy), are referred to as “Machines” for purposes of this policy. 


This policy pertains to regular employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, interns & contractors, including all personnel affiliated with third parties, and anyone, including non-employees, with authorized access to NextLabs IT resources (collectively referred to as “Users”).     




IT is responsible for backing up the corporate file server which is NextLabs OneDrive for Business ( or, SharePoint Libraries ( and local network storage (\\\share\data) on a daily basis.  All Users are responsible for using these corporate file sharing for data storage as much as possible, and must always use it for the storage of business-critical data.


Paper and electronic records should be kept to conduct the work of your department for as long as they may realistically be relevant.  Eliminate records when they are no longer useful.  Domestic or foreign laws or regulations that require us to keep records for longer periods obviously take precedence over this general principle.


Be realistic about the likelihood you'll use records in the future. Don't store records "just in case" you may need them later. Storing unneeded records consumes expensive space and resources, makes it harder to retrieve necessary records, and leaves behind records that may be misleading if you or others are not available to explain their original meaning and context.


Do not retain drafts, rough notes, email, and other short-term records needed only for temporary back-up. Put unneeded confidential materials in shredding bins.


Keep records for the following periods after the underlying event ends (for example, after the contract term ends, after a product is no longer offered for sale, or after a tax return is filed).

·         3 Years -- Default option, appropriate for most records.

·         5 Years -- Contracts, sales and marketing data, personnel and benefits records, environmental documentation, software production or quality assurance records, public announcements, or records of government transactions.

·         10 Years -- Financial and tax records, including all compilations and ledgers recording the receipt and disbursement of funds. Please contact Finance before eliminating any such records.

·         Permanently -- Records of great significance to NextLabs -- such as records creating new business entities; source code and key development records of new products; government grants (such as copyrights, trademarks, or patents); or corporate policies or governance records -- as well as employee health or medical records.


Electronic Records- Email often contains inaccurate or misleading statements, and is often in the nature of a draft. As a result, inappropriate or errant email can cause significant problems. Accordingly, please delete your email (whether it resides on your hard drive or on NextLabs servers) as soon as it is no longer immediately relevant to a current matter, and in any event within 90 days.





Effective Date: October 1, 2016

Last revision: January 1st, 2017